BioBlitz 2018 Gallery
Americas Latino Eco Festival Presents
4th Grade #DiscoverMiTierra Urban BioBlitz
The BioBlitz Initiative Goes National To Celebrate Our Forests, The National Parks Centennial & an Inclusive Vision For the Next 100 Years. This year of ALEF 2018, we want to commemorate the National Public Lands by hosting 3 Bioblitz in 3 Outdoors locations around Denver for our 4th Graders.
When: SEPTEMBER: Monday 24th, Tuesday 25th, and Thursday 26th, 2018
Where: RiNo Art District, Barr Lake Park, Jefferson County Open Space
*Rain or Shine
Americas for Conservation + the Arts (AFC+A), in partnership with the US Forest Service, Colorado Parks & Wildlife, Audubon of the Rockies, The Nature Conservancy, and the Center for Biological Diversity joined forces with 4th graders, teachers and scientists to find, identify, and learn about as many local plants and animal species as possible at Denver City Park and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. #DiscoverMiTierra Bioblitz addresses the need for multicultural arts renderings of human-nature connection-not nature as a remote place to recreate in tranquility, but nature as a place intimately connected to human habitation, culture, and identity.
Each day, from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm, Bioblitz will serve 240 4th graders. Groups of 60 students will be guided by a volunteer scientist/ naturalist to visit 2 activity stations (distributed throughout the locations) and one citizen science recording station from 10:15 am-12:00 pm.
Each activity station features two interactive tables strategically placed, exploring the following themes:
1. Botany: Tree identification and Tree Health
2. Pollinators
3. Pond-Science
4. Insects and Critters
5. Birds
6. Mammals and Reptiles
Each activity station will feature a prepared focused activity that will be introduced at the station and then explored further in the park area. Each station will be visited for 30min by student groups. And each student group will visit 2 activity stations and freely explore the park with an educator or naturalist guide and will record their findings at citizen science recording stations:
7. i-Naturalist
8. i-Tree,
9. e-Bird
10. DiscoveryAgents
Please, contact AFC+A team members to participate and join this memorable #DiscoverMiTierra Bio Blitz!
Zuza@americasforconservation.org, 720-606-3117.
And sign up for an iNaturalist account, take pictures of the plants and animals you see, and upload them to the City Nature Challenge page on the iNaturalist website: http://www.inaturalist.org.