Darryl Vigil
T. Darryl Vigil, Jicarilla Apache, Jemez Pueblo, Zia Pueblo, currently, the Water Administrator for the Jicarilla Apache Nation, Chairman of Water is Life a Tribal Partnership, official spokesperson for the Colorado River Ten Tribes Partnership, the past Chairman of the Colorado River Ten Tribes Partnership, member of the Coordination Committee of the Next Steps of the Colorado River Basin Supply Demand Study, member of the Navajo Gallup Water Supply Project Planning, Construction and Operation Committees, member of the Coordination Committee of the San Juan River Recovery and Restoration Project, past Secretary/Treasurer and Board of Trustees of the Colorado River Water Users Association, past
Chairman of the Board of the Jicarilla Apache Utility Authority, and the past President/CEO of the Apache Nugget Corporation the Jicarilla Apache Nation’s Gaming Enterprise.