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Eutimia Cruz Montoya
Eutimia Cruz Montoya is a Denver born-and-raised Mestiza of Arapaho, Apache, Diné, Comanche, Picuris, Tarahumara, Mexica, Spanish, French and German descent. She practices spirit in honor of all her ancestral lineages and by way of her Xicana-Mexica upbringing. She is a modern-day integrative medicine woman who spends her days offering rituals and hands-on-healing in the traditions of Classical Chinese Medicine, SouthWestern and Mexican Curanderismo and Danza Azteca and the BodyTalk System of Consciousness-Based Healthcare. She is honored to be called upon as an ambassador for cross-cultural, intergenerational, and interdimensional healing during this powerful time of collective awakening Ometeotl.
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