Helga Garza
Helga Garcia Garza originally from southern Texas today recedes in Albuquerque New Mexico, where she serves as the Director of Agri-Cultura Cooperative Network. A co-op of 9 organic farmers located in the South Valley and 25 allied farms through -out the State of New Mexico…She is the daughter of an activist, mother, and grandmother, of a generation of new activist. Both a healer and leader in her community, she has a life- long dedication and commitment in the struggle for human rights and in defense of our mother earth with a special focus on her sacred waters. While still in high school following in the footsteps of her mother Helga became involved in a campaign to protect the waters of the San Antonio River and the Edwards aquafer from contamination. Since then she has stood on the front lines many times and in many places most recently as part of the prayer Water is Life at Standing Rock. Over the years having been involved in the struggle against uranium mining in the southwest. The struggle to keep toxic waist dumps out of our communities. In Brownsville, Texas on the bank of the Rio Grande/ Rio Bravo Helga organized communities on both sides of the Mexico/ U.S. border that were suffering from high rates of birth defects linked to water contamination brought on by the U.S. Companies Maquiladora industry in Mexico.