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Osvel Hinojosa

Osvel Hinojosa is the Director of the Water and Wetlands Program for Pronatura Noroeste.  He obtained his M.Sc. in Wildlife Ecology and Ph.D. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from the University of Arizona and his B.Sc. in Biochemical Engineering and Marine Sciences from ITESM Campus Guaymas in Sonora, Mexico. 


Osvel Hinojosa has been working in multiple conservation and research projects in northwestern Mexico since 1997, in particular in riparian and wetland areas of the Sonoran Desert. Some of his recent activities include the evaluation and recovery of endangered species, the implementation of community-based restoration projects and the creation of partnerships with governments and communities for the conservation of nature. He has been leading the efforts to restore the Colorado River delta during the past 20 years, including the implementation of strategies to restore river flows and the participation in binational negotiations between Mexico and the US for the Colorado River . In 2009 he received the National Award for the Conservation of Wetlands in Mexico and in 2012 he received the Emerging Explorer Award from the National Geographic Society.

Relevant Publications:

  • Hinojosa-Huerta, O., S. DeStefano, and W. Shaw. 2001. Distribution and abundance of the Yuma Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris yumanensis) in the Colorado River delta, Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments 49:171-182.

  • Hinojosa-Huerta, O., S. DeStefano, and W. Shaw. 2002. Evaluation of call-response surveys for monitoring breeding Yuma Clapper Rails (Rallus longirostris yumanensis). Journal of Field Ornithology 73: 151-155.

  • Hinojosa-Huerta, O., H. Iturribarría-Rojas, E. Zamora-Hernández, and A. Calvo-Fonseca. 2008. Densities, species richness, and habitat relationships of the avian community in the Colorado River, Mexico. Studies in Avian Biology 37: 74-82.

  • Hinojosa-Huerta, O., J.J. Rivera-Díaz, H. Iturribarría-Rojas, and A. Calvo-Fonseca. 2008. Population trends of Yuma Clapper Rails in the Colorado River delta, Mexico. Studies in Avian Biology 37: 69-73.

  • Hinojosa-Huerta, O., P.L. Nagler, Y. Carrillo-Guerrero, E.P. Glenn. 2013. The effect of drought on birds and riparian vegetation in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Ecological Engineering 59: 104-110.

  • Hinojosa-Huerta, O., R. Guzmán-Olachea, J. Butrón-Méndez, J.J. Butrón-Rodríguez, and A. Calvo-Fonseca. 2013. Status of marsh birds in the wetlands of the Colorado River delta, Mexico. Ecological Engineering 59: 7-17.

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